Thursday, June 26, 2008

My life's next Chapter...

It's official. I am going back to school (in August). For those who don't know yet, I've decided to pursue a career in cooking. Yes! I am going to be a certified Chef. So, next year, you can call me Chef Rein. Ha!
Now, I don't really know what to expect what would become of this career change so to speak. It's not really a change for one, since I have been working as a cook for some three years now and for the love of me, why didn't I thought of getting certified before? Well, I did thought about it but never really looked into it and acted on it. I can think of so many reasons why I didn't but you would think I am just making excuses (which I probably did back then).
After all the running around and doing pre requisite exams, this should be worth it. It just gotta be. I have looked into the school, been a student for a day and saw how the chef shouts at those who makes mistakes in the kitchen during crunch time. And my conclusion? I think I can hack it. But of course, there's still some uncertainty here and there. Don't worry though, I am determined to make it all happen. I need that certificate!
In the meantime, I think my meringue smooches are ready to come out of the oven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know you'll do well. You're one of the lucky few who actually knows what they want to do, and you are pursuing your dreams. You're going to be a great chef in a city known for great food.