Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sunday At The Fair

hese are some pictures of the Ormstown Fair we went to last Sunday. Yes, it was hot. And I mean temperature HOT!!!
We went there because of Sue's youngest son joining the demolition derby. Which, we go to every time Jon joins in some small town fair. Well, for moral support you know and for documenting purposes (I think he loves it that we put the pics in a disc and with background music to go with it).
Anywho, also take note of the derby pics was taken by Laurence. I gave him an assignment to be the paparazzi this time - to which, my poor camera suffered some bruises and scratches...tsk tsk..my fault.. I let a 10 year old boy handle it. Oh well..
Back to the derby, honestly, upto now, I still don't understand the whole point of bumping these delapidated cars (well, they are pimped and sort of dressed up or should I say messed up) - and the last car running ends up winning! You might say, it's all for the fun of it. But seriously, WHY? WHY? WHY? Or, maybe I'm just being too serious about it.
So there we were, we watched the derby. Watched Jon's poor car get hit by several cars and then stopped running.
We went home all sunburnt. And heck, I turn on the tv, watched the US Open, and fell asleep.
Some sunday eh.

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