Monday, May 31, 2010

I don't get it

Using the fireplace near summer? Really?? Like, REALLY????

I must be just dreaming, the stench of wood burning combined with the city air breezing through the 1 am!!! How can I be so lucky?! NOT!

This city-life is really trying its best to push me out. Two more weeks and I am out of the city...ok? Promise!

Believe me, your olfactory senses is put to the test when you live in the city. And if you lived here for awhile, you can be able to identify certain smells - good and the not-so-good to bad and the WORST. No, no, I am not complaining. I am just stating facts. And sharing what are the (dis)advantages of being in the city. From your neighbors' cooking (mind you, the smell of bacon is always inspiring - ha!), down to the smelly joints of the happi(take note not "y") people in the neighborhood.

I never imagined that my sense of smell can be heightened by just living in a busy place. And I mean, if you go about your day, you can list hundreds of different things you smell in the city. And you don't have to go very far!

Yes! it's 4 in the morning and for pete's sake, somebody stop that chipmunk burning wood at this hour!..sheesh!

1 comment:

rein said...

ooookay!!! was some forest fire after all...ooookay...i get it now...