Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shelf life

"Your battery is charging normally, however it is reaching the end of its usable life". That's what my puter tells me as soon as I turn it on.

"...reaching the end of its usable life" -what a life, eh? Was there such a thing as "non-usable" life? I wonder. Sometimes. Only sometimes. I know if your life is used..ah, it doesn't sound right, unless of course the life is used by you, therefore, used life. Stop confusing! Ha!

My furry friends, it's 4:57 and to be waken up by a sore tummy isn't helping in trying to finish this post. So bear with me. I actually started writing up this one earlier, then I decided to check on my friend's aunt who lives across the border..and before you know it, I have completely forgotten my train of thought with this one...yes! I missed the train, miss the bus, what else can I miss.. (maybe that's why they call me Missy @ work - hmmm...)

Okay! So a non-usable life it is. And that is what I suppose most peeps fear. To be just a mere statistic. But mind you, probably others doesn't even think about these things...too busy living - and by definition means working, taking care of others' needs, forgetting their own. Hmm..did I just described my life? Oh no!...can't be...nah...

Let's get a bit serious now. Just a bit, ok? At one point in my quaint life, I didn't want to be a mere statistic. Never really liked the subject - heck I had to pass 2 terms with Statistics in college! Okaaaay....Maybe that was the reason I ended up volunteering in a family crisis center in my late 20's - hoping to make some sense of the life I would want to lead. At that time, I began realizing I wanted to matter. Even just to matter to another human being. Uhm, yes it crossed my mind that maybe I was abducted by aliens and transformed into one of them. Or, I am an angel in human form. Ha!

Wouldn't that be a nice ending though isn't it? To live a life that matters - not just to another but to yourself as well. I suppose it is important we live our "usable" life in a way that would make us proud of ourselves when the time comes it becomes "unusable", we could say - "now that is what I call 'used' life".

Let's keep on dreaming...

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