Saturday, May 8, 2010

When you are Kid-transparent

"Are you happy or sad?", a 10-year old asked me today. Hmm...not so much of a tough question but it's froth with answers. Answers which I don't think this 10 year old kid who has known me since he was 2 or 3 (?). I suppose I am that transparent to them to notice if I was having a bad hair day or not. All he wanted to know was, if I was happy or not.

So how did I answer? I came up with the adult world.."oh I'm ecstatic".Then he goes, "are you ecstatic -happy or ecstatic-sad?". Kid, why don't you just give it up, huh? I tried ignoring his questions and started walking away - and blurted, "just ecstatic". End of story. End of questioning. So far...

I am not one to just confide to a 10 year old about how I am feeling. Although, there were times, this kid and I would talk about how he feels towards his parents being separated, his classmates/friends in school. You know, kid's stuff. And me being a grown up trying my best to listen to his neverending stories. What a classic.

So am I happy or not? Uhmm, excuse me, waiter! I need water!. Ha!..Are we gonna go thru this happy word again? I am becoming a redundancy to myself..See what I mean?! Okay Stop!

The whole shenanigans of emotions - can very well fill you up with other sub-emotions such as anxiety, madness, confusion among others. I try not to dwell on that my furry friends. At least not right now. I don't have the luxury of time - I have been counting days and weeks until I am off work and on with my summer - summer!

My different summer this year...YESSSS...oh's gonna be a different one alright... but I can't share anymore deets about it. At least not just yet. I am hoping not to envelope myself with so much stress again... Last year was a roller coaster of emotions. A very stressful summer of last year..Never again...not in the near future at least.

What else can I say at this hour?(23:17) Nothing..I think my brain is starting to shrivel up - no more creative juices coming out...just droplets....just drops...

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