Saturday, July 26, 2008

That "F" word

I'm not effing you, it's all about Fish and Flowers. Just that. Butterflies not included (unless you want to pronounce it differently).

I suggest you click the music for your viewing pleasure. Ha!

Friday, July 25, 2008

?Road signs

Can you imagine the road without signs? Well, there are some that you don't know if you're going in circles or squares - we were lucky we just had to turn around a couple of times - no more than that. Yep, sometimes the road and the map just gets confusing - specially if the roads seem to look all the same. And yes, I "think" I've learned to read the map - hmm...did I say, I think? Let's leave it at that, shall we?
So here is the second slide of pictures. I suggest you click on the music. It'll be fun.

If you're asking if we saw even a shadow of a moose or a deer - hell no! We've seen some hit and run creatures left in the middle of the road (or sometimes at the right lane).Creatures like : skunk, rodent, fox, cat, hat, remnants of a truck tire, etc.
And nope we didn't dare travel at night - a lot of scary creatures out there!

The weather on cloud Nine or just Seven

Heya my furry friends. I am back - from vacation and I think I need another one right away!

As promised (or did I?), here's the first slide of pictures. I will first show you what the weather was like during our roadtrip. From day one til the day that we went home. Take note that these were taken starting from the province of Quebec to the province of New Brunswick. We took the scenic route going and took the regular (a little boring) route back.

Don't worry, this is just the first of the many slides I will show you. Hey, I can only do so much here...I am still on vacation mode.
You may have noticed that most are taken while on the road, that's what you do if you don't drive and is the passenger ALL THE TIME.
Well then, I hope you enjoyed this first one.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last minute singing

We are off to the main event of this 2-week vacation. As you know (if you still don't, I advise you to read the previous blog), we watched a Just For Laughs gala last night. It was fun. But I will share more details when we come back.
Anywho, I leave you with this song - which is so befitting of the festival. Ha! Seriously, it's such a nice song and a quick study if you may.

Nice, eh? So, keep cool my furry friends...until next time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Un"planned and Planned Plans might be wondering how am I holding on being off work for two days now. TERRIFfIC! MAGNIFIQUE!!!! Never felt any better.
Since Saturday, I have been doing some "vacationing" - for one, I woke up a little late than usual. (my wake up time is @ 6:30 but since the start of vacation, it's 8:30!), I still cook a bit - well, we are trying to empty our fridge before we go camping. And would you believe that since the past days I have been eating a good number of eggs in a day! You'd think I am in an egg roll! Wait! That didn't come out right. I'm on a roll with eggs! Yikes, doesn't sound right either.
Anyways, I should tell you my "has been" schedule.
MONDAY: I just stayed home. Did some usual cleaning and a not-so usual cleaning -(like rearranging stuff inside the cabinet under the sink). Put my "babies" (my chinese bamboo plants) under the shower for a good rainy effect then placed them by the window sill for a nice sunbath.
TUESDAY: Woke up late again. Did the laundry. Went out with Sue to have the tires changed. Yep, the red baby should be ready for that road trip on friday. Then we had to re arrange our front door closet (okay, front door - near the door?) to accommodate the old tires - don't worry, we put a nice pillow case on each one. and put a lot of moth balls inside the closet - so that should do.
And this is the "would be" schedule for tomorrow 'til friday:
WEDNESDAY: Dentist appointment @ 10. Then we have to start loading the van of the camping necessities. And have a just for laughs gala to see @ 7. (hosted by Joan Rivers - should be really down on the floor funny)
THURSDAY: Last minute packing for the roadtrip. We have to drop off some cds to Sue's Jamie - as per his request. Set the alarm early. Sleep early to beat the alarm.
FRIDAY: We hope to wake up really early to beat the traffic. And we're off!
Okay, so I will just update whatever happens next. As you can see,my writing is all over - like doesn't make any sense - except for the scheduling part.
But definitely, I will be posting some pictures and more pictures next time.
Tah tah for now my furry friends.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vacation Anxiety (Disorder) - NOT!

I have three more days to go. Three more days to tolerate the crazy people at work. Three more days to keep it together. Hummm....Breathe in breathe out. Hummm...
There's something about vacations. Actually, this is my first real vacation since I worked here in Tralaland. I say real, because the past years, I would take a week's vacation and still work at the other job. Yes, you read it right, I would just take a week off. Somehow I would feel sorry for the little monsters not being fed right if I'd be gone long (say, straight 2 weeks?)
But this year is different. I just have to take a long one. And long I meant, just two weeks straight - unadulterated, uncut, no other work, and not even think of finding another job or doing another job.
Yes! I am gonna savor every minute of it. Every second. And perhaps every ounce of sweat - since if you haven't noticed lately it seems like we are inside a giant oven turned at 375 degrees.
So you might ask, what are my plans? Nothing! I just left it all to Sue and I will just adhere to whatever she would like to do and wherever she wants to go. And of course camping is one. Hey, the possibilities are endless. I have two weeks!
The only irony about vacation days is it comes to an end. It does. But I believe that having one shouldn't be a guilt trip to anybody. We all deserve it. Otherwise, we'd go bonkers and our work productivity gets affected. I just wished they could be longer. Without the worries of paying bills, rent, and tons of other bills. Hmmm....I think I just wished to win the lottery!
I should buy that ticket. Ciao!