Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tap your inner talent

For the longest time, you would often hear your teacher, your boss, your family, your neighbor, the guy in the bus, the lady in the street, and whoever you have come across as you journey through life's highway 51 or 65 or 401 (going to toronto) - that you have potential. Ha!
Potential for what, you might ask. Well, they usually just leave you with that, you have potential. Hmm..potential to succeed? to fail? to make an ass out of yourself? or potential to be somebody you are meant to be. Most often than not, when somebody tells you that, you get gooey-eyed and say, "oh..."Ha! Like you never heard of that before. Like you never knew within you that you know you can. D'uh!
But of course, it's always good to know that somebody sees the "potential" in you the way you see it or think you see it. Ha! I am going nowhere again with this. Wait! I will, promise.
Before I joined this melting pot of a country, I know that I can cook and bake. Specially bake. But cook? Hmm...I have yet to master. Then I was left with no other choice but to work in a daycare as a cook. Believe me, it took a lot of guts to be able to get even a bit of confidence in doing it. I would even have to practice at home during my first week, so I won't make mistakes! Poor Sue, has to put up with a hit and miss omelet (She's still alive, isn't she).
And in everyday I cook, I try to see kid's faces, if it's a mess - then I am good. But if their faces are clean, then I failed. Failed for the day. Better luck next day. So, I just make up for their snacks. Don't worry, it got better through the years. I got better. See, I got potential. Ha!
Oh well, I wish I got potential to succeed. Everybody does I guess. Everybody deserves it. Just a matter of tapping that inner talent and heeding that inner voice that keeps on telling you. "Move it! You damn lazy ass!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything takes time to master it. What you feel is the product of your food... Hehehe... You love me thats why your cooking is yummy..
