Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Phony Phonecards

These phonecards which you think are actually saving you money in calling overseas is a hoax! You better believe it.
Since I got here, I have tried using different ones, in the hope of finding the "perfect" one, or even the one that tells the truth about time! Yes! I am mad! Somebody has to start revolting against these phonies! We are not stupid! We can tell time!
Okay, hold your horses...eeeeeeeeeyah!
Most of these phonies would tell you how many more minutes you have as soon as you dialed the number you are calling - say, "you have 42 minutes for this call". For first time users, they would actually believe that you have 42 minutes to gab and then...tick tock tick tock...after a good 20 minutes, one biatch would butt in and say, "you have..(hold your breath) 30 seconds remaining" WHAAAAT???? what kind of timer are they using??? You gotta be kidding me!

And so, you start panicking!!!...all the more speaking jibberish over the phone, with the worst reception ever! And worst, you end up dropping that damn phone! Ha! your worst nightmare has arrived! click. "goodbye" WAIIIIIIIIT!
The biatch says goodbye before you and the person on the other side can start with the "g". I swear, if I get to see that biatch I'm gonna give her a goodone. Biatch!
But of course, we live in a capitalist world. You go to the store and there they are - the depanneur's wall plastered with these colorful phonies, mesmerizing you, calling you...And then you tell yourself, "hmm..i should try the yellow color today...maybe it has a good reception" And voila! After profusely dialing and dialing, trying to connect, you start losing your time. You just lost your $5 to some biatch telling you lies. Lies about time, and mocks you by saying goodbye before you do. Might as well have a recording saying, "you have 42 minutes for this call - NOT! HAHAHAHAHA". Then I could have more respect on that one.
What can we do, we are just mere slaves in this society that mocks us left and right, thinking it's ok to tell us 42 minutes when we will actually get 20 or even less. And if you use your regular landline, heck, it's not just gonna be $5 down the drain, but you will be in it too.
Can't win.
I should just go online.

1 comment:

Mai Dee said...

These phone cards are cheap... what would you expect from it.
Anyway, my BFF called me using this kind of card. The connection was real bad. I could hear a loud echo everytime i spoke to her and keep saying WHATCHASAY???? i can hear you well.
BFF was suppose to have 5mins but it truned out 5secs. LOL
