Thursday, April 24, 2008

I think I got stomped

Have you ever felt that you have just been scolded by a friend? Well, not just an ordinary friend but a very close one at that. I think I just did got scolded. And worst, it was thru an email. How odd can that be? But for some reason, as I was reading the email, I heard her voice like scolding me and maybe if only it was like one of those letters in Harry Potter movies - which they actually go berserk on you - then you wouldn't be reading this - but I would be nagging it at ya...Ha!
Okay, scolding, like how your mom or dad would scold you when you did something or didn't do something you were supposed to.
I know, I should have seen my doctor when I was feeling some chest pains. But c'mon, it just started when the weather changed. And so, I have to blame it on the weather, right? Besides, I don't even remember the name of my doctor, wait, I think it starts with a D...hmm..(thinking...), Oh ya! it's Dr. Luckow...see! it starts with a D!. Ha! funny eh? No, but kidding aside, the last time I saw him was in 2006 October or September. Sue and I were glad to finally found a family doctor here in Montreal (if you only knew how hard it is to find one). And the last time I saw him - which happens to be the first time as well - well, I was fine. Like, I was fine! Healthy! Nothing wrong with me! Ha! Wait, I forgot to do a blood test which he asked me to do, and also I didn't want to have a flu shot which he suggested I take (since I work @ a daycare) Hell, no way I would take a flu shot - I'd rather take the flu but not the shot.
Anyhow, I am so stubborn going to the doctor. I don't mind waiting accompanying Sue and waiting long hours at the waiting area ( I end up finishing chapters of a book). But for me to wait for me to go in - I don't think I have the patience for that. Unless I really have to. My belief is, if it ain't broke, don't fix if I ain't broke I won't fix me. Which is kinda rhetorical to "no tengo dinero" isn't it. Nah, that's another post.
Sure, they say this country has very good medical benefits. Ha! that my friend is another story.
Don't be deceived by that. You end up paying for your medical insurance once you start paying taxes. And again that's another post.
Anywho, I know how concerned this close friend of mine is. She is slowly discovering that I tend to deliberately procastinate when it comes to me myself and I. I always believe that there are more important things to do other than me going to the doctor only to hear 'em say, "uhm, nothing's wrong with you, you're perfectly okay".
But I appreciate the concern though. Something I don't hear too often from others.


Catherine said...

You friend is right to scold you (even thru email). You do have to take care of yourself, it's better to be safe - you know what i mean. Anyway, do take care, see a doctor =)

mosca said...

hahaha i kinda imagine yu without eyes and the monkey playing with as a toy