Friday, April 25, 2008

A weekender...ahh nice!

Never mind the guy in the video... he's just trying to emote...hehehehe.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I think I got stomped

Have you ever felt that you have just been scolded by a friend? Well, not just an ordinary friend but a very close one at that. I think I just did got scolded. And worst, it was thru an email. How odd can that be? But for some reason, as I was reading the email, I heard her voice like scolding me and maybe if only it was like one of those letters in Harry Potter movies - which they actually go berserk on you - then you wouldn't be reading this - but I would be nagging it at ya...Ha!
Okay, scolding, like how your mom or dad would scold you when you did something or didn't do something you were supposed to.
I know, I should have seen my doctor when I was feeling some chest pains. But c'mon, it just started when the weather changed. And so, I have to blame it on the weather, right? Besides, I don't even remember the name of my doctor, wait, I think it starts with a D...hmm..(thinking...), Oh ya! it's Dr. Luckow...see! it starts with a D!. Ha! funny eh? No, but kidding aside, the last time I saw him was in 2006 October or September. Sue and I were glad to finally found a family doctor here in Montreal (if you only knew how hard it is to find one). And the last time I saw him - which happens to be the first time as well - well, I was fine. Like, I was fine! Healthy! Nothing wrong with me! Ha! Wait, I forgot to do a blood test which he asked me to do, and also I didn't want to have a flu shot which he suggested I take (since I work @ a daycare) Hell, no way I would take a flu shot - I'd rather take the flu but not the shot.
Anyhow, I am so stubborn going to the doctor. I don't mind waiting accompanying Sue and waiting long hours at the waiting area ( I end up finishing chapters of a book). But for me to wait for me to go in - I don't think I have the patience for that. Unless I really have to. My belief is, if it ain't broke, don't fix if I ain't broke I won't fix me. Which is kinda rhetorical to "no tengo dinero" isn't it. Nah, that's another post.
Sure, they say this country has very good medical benefits. Ha! that my friend is another story.
Don't be deceived by that. You end up paying for your medical insurance once you start paying taxes. And again that's another post.
Anywho, I know how concerned this close friend of mine is. She is slowly discovering that I tend to deliberately procastinate when it comes to me myself and I. I always believe that there are more important things to do other than me going to the doctor only to hear 'em say, "uhm, nothing's wrong with you, you're perfectly okay".
But I appreciate the concern though. Something I don't hear too often from others.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lil' Miss Muffet (Part Two)

Last night while sitting in front of the puter, I turned and there it was. Another spidey, trying to do ala tarzan - swinging by from one pole to the next (that is, from one chair to another). So, what am I to do? I grabbed a moist cloth, and gave it a good squishy. Ha! Invaders! Don't worry it's a small one as well. But the legs are more defined with this one. Like I can see it clearly - or was it because I am not half asleep like before with the first one.
I tell you, these spideys are crawling into my space. Sure, it feels good a lot of people wants to be close to you. But hey, did I mention people? Ya!..PEEEOPPPLE. I didn't say spideys. I guess it's officially spring! We live on the first floor (no, my name is not Luca, and Luca lives on the second floor). And there's a small lawn in front of the building with some big trees around the building - so I guess, these spideys are out now eh.
Now, how come Charlotte can't control her little spideys?? They're all over the place! Sure, I just found 2 so far.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another nice song...

For the somebody I know I have. You know who you are.....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tap your inner talent

For the longest time, you would often hear your teacher, your boss, your family, your neighbor, the guy in the bus, the lady in the street, and whoever you have come across as you journey through life's highway 51 or 65 or 401 (going to toronto) - that you have potential. Ha!
Potential for what, you might ask. Well, they usually just leave you with that, you have potential. Hmm..potential to succeed? to fail? to make an ass out of yourself? or potential to be somebody you are meant to be. Most often than not, when somebody tells you that, you get gooey-eyed and say, "oh..."Ha! Like you never heard of that before. Like you never knew within you that you know you can. D'uh!
But of course, it's always good to know that somebody sees the "potential" in you the way you see it or think you see it. Ha! I am going nowhere again with this. Wait! I will, promise.
Before I joined this melting pot of a country, I know that I can cook and bake. Specially bake. But cook? Hmm...I have yet to master. Then I was left with no other choice but to work in a daycare as a cook. Believe me, it took a lot of guts to be able to get even a bit of confidence in doing it. I would even have to practice at home during my first week, so I won't make mistakes! Poor Sue, has to put up with a hit and miss omelet (She's still alive, isn't she).
And in everyday I cook, I try to see kid's faces, if it's a mess - then I am good. But if their faces are clean, then I failed. Failed for the day. Better luck next day. So, I just make up for their snacks. Don't worry, it got better through the years. I got better. See, I got potential. Ha!
Oh well, I wish I got potential to succeed. Everybody does I guess. Everybody deserves it. Just a matter of tapping that inner talent and heeding that inner voice that keeps on telling you. "Move it! You damn lazy ass!"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just how I feel

Thank you..

for loving me
in an unusual way
I never imagined you would.

Thank you..

for the kind words
you whisper in my heart
as it beats silently aching for you.

Thank you..

for making my mornings

bright and sunny
as you laugh, as I laugh
even when it's gloomy outside.

Thank you..

for the hugs you give

as I leave for work
as I come home.

Thank you..

for remembering who I was

and accepting what I have become.

Thank you..

for being the person you are,
unassuming, never pretending.

Thank you..

For being a part of me as I am now a part of you.

Lil' Miss Muffet

This morning, as I was about to sit down and start my morning ritual, I saw a tiny spider trying to crawl out of the hinge of the bathroom door. Nope, it didn't startle me. In fact, I thought, "er, i don't think you will be able to get out, opening is this way". But of course, it is beyond my telepathic powers to convey a message to this spider. So, I did what is the most logical thing to do. I grabbed a tissue and squoosh it. There. Done. And I continued on with my day.
Hey, that was a living thing. You might say. I hear ya. But, I am also a living thing, in case you don't know. And the spidey was invading my space. And it's morning! And what if spidey decides to crawl up to where it shouldn't be - then there would be a feeling of molestation and complete invasion. Eeeeew!
Anyways, it's done and over with. So get a grip of reality, will ya?
I remember when I was about under 10 or maybe under 7, sheesh, you sometimes wonder if I really remember eh? Ha! Okay, I was a kid, and my first squishy was a small lab rat. White one. Its fur so soft, I held it, and squeezed it. Eeeeeow! Yeppers, the rest I will leave to your imagination. Good Luck eating lunch!
Obviously, today's post is going nowhere. Like, I am going nowhere. I just felt like typing away with nothing really in mind. Just pretending that there is something there but nothing really. I haven't had a real long sleep for awhile so I think - nothing. Ha!
Hopefully, I will be able to regain my sensibility soonest before it's too late. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Waiting for the World to change...NOT

I haven't watch tv for awhile now. Not that we don't have a tv set or don't have any clear reception to where I am (no, I don't think I live in a cave - although it seems to be sometimes, but that's in another post sometime, ok). I haven't watch tv much lately because I don't want to. What any other reason do you want me to say?
Last week, I was introduced to the world of YouTube (yes, I was always skeptical in opening videos online, like some virus might just pop out and strangle me, hence I seldom go to check on YouTube). The clip was so funny I almost dropped from where I was sitting! Okay, maybe it's not something new to the most of ya but it is for me. And to NOT SHARE this will be something I will regret.

See, how the world is changing. Or I think it has already changed.
Here's another one:

Okay, this one is from another country. Let's try some homegrown talents. Which I find not so much entertaining but rather appalling.

And the sad truth is she won the title and will compete for Ms World!!!...Ayayay! The world has changed...and it's pretty scary.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

To fret or not to fret

I am tempted to write about what happened today - what my boss told me about my salary increase. I said tempted because, I should not write about it to avoid embarassing the person involved (and it is definitely not me). Also, it would be unethical to write about it but really sooo funny that it can drive somebody mad - as in MAD! With that, you will just have to ask me thru the YM or if u dare to call me.
Yessss, I am known to be like this. I tell you about something that will leave you guessing what the hell I am talking about THEREFORE, you'll either be furious at me for not saying it straight up, or would end up wanting to know more about the juicy part of the story. Or worst, I'd even leave you hanging. Say, "I have to tell you something" , then turn around and say, "but I'll tell it later" Ha!
I'm a tease. But let me tell you something about that incident, it was not something about what that person did but what came out of her mouth. Meaning: what she said. That left me instead of getting mad and walking out, I wanted to laugh! Like, " ha, ha that was pathetic! you're pathetic".
But honestly, if you were the one who heard it, you'd walk out the door and slam it and never come back. But you are not me. And I am not you. And me has bills to pay. OK?
Oh what has this world came to? People keeps getting crazy-er everyday! by the minute may I add.
Ha, in case you are waiting when I'm gonna spill whatever it is that I am tempted to tell. You just better buzz me or call me. Or...wait for a couple more posts, maybe then, I would have found the right words to write it eloquently without sounding like a bastard. Huh? Haha!
Keep on guessing my friends. Life should be fun.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Not dozing off

I smell vanilla. Mmmm...french vanilla coffee. Oh if only it was coffee flavored vanilla. Hmm, doesn't sound right.
It's a very gloomy, bed weather day today and I am stuck at home waiting. Waiting for the sun to shine, waiting for the janitors to fix the light fixtures. Waiting for the world to change. Not.
I love to be lazy once in awhile. My idea of being lazy is not really doing anything. But not really standing still.
It's a weekend. A Saturday. It's raining outside. Rein can't go out and play.
So it's gonna be a homey saturday. Let's see what we can do...SLEEP! oh if only. I wish. But as I mentioned before in previous posts, I have a hard time to sleep. My mind is always awake. I don't wanna miss a heartbeat. I don't want to miss anything that might pass me by. I know I'm just making irrational rationalities. Ha! the redundancy of rein...
Seriously, I sometimes think I have sleep deprivation. Okay, this is my blog and I can type anything I want and can think of. So, bear with me. I tried taking an organic tea before going to bed, it says it would help give you a good night sleep. Well, it should, it's made of hops, the plant/herb/or bush that they put in making beers. But after sometime, it's really not too helpful.
I think I should make that call to see my doctor. I should ask for some meds to help me sleep restfully.
Yeah, maybe I should.

What my mind plays and my heart sings....over and over

Friday, April 11, 2008

One of life's miracles

It was a happy day today at the daycare. Somebody is pregnant! Delia is finally having a baby! Woohooo!!
Everybody got into a rather "cheerier" mood (being friday, it's always a happy day), learning of this miracle that has happened to one of "us". Everybody was excited except for Delia, who always tells us she doesn't want to have kids. (The kids she handles is already enough). But how could you not want one of your own? Specially when you are given one. She tells me she is not ready. But who is ever really ready for motherhood? It is a privilege given not to everybody - so it seems. Some days I think I will never be one. (But never say never).
When I was young I never really wanted to have kids. Kids are expensive. But the joy you get is priceless. I guess that's why they invented mastercard and visa.
I learned that when my nephew came into our lives. He was an everyday source of hope, joy and love. You feel a little down, you just have to look at him and you know, things will be alright.
And at the daycare, you know you don't get paid the way you're supposed to, you get frustrated over ingredients, but then again, you hear the kids laugh, sing, gives you a hug once in awhile, and some recent bonus - some of them calling you "tita reina", just melts your heart over and over.
Kids are kids.
I wonder sometimes if I was a joy to adults when I was a kid. Do you ever think that? Do you ever wonder if you brought smiles to adult faces when they see you.
Oh kids are kids...and then they grow up. Fast. And then you hardly know them and they don't remember you.
But I sure hope they do.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Senseless Post

Have you ever had that kind of nap where your body just felt so at rest or just felt it run away from you?
I took a nap today. For the love of me, I rarely take naps, specially on weekdays. But I was tired. So my body said. I didn't want to argue or throw a temper tantrum to myself and with myself. That's a bit hard isn't it? Just thinking about it makes me wonder what the hell I am talking about.
Okay, bear with me right now. As I type, I try to muster any sense that's left in me in trying to convey any meaning about my mere existence here, hence, just being able to type. What d'uh?!?
Now, I am beginning to argue with myself and can't stop typing away. Nagger.

Fine. On with the nap thingy.

Sue woke me up since I still have to bake some lemon loaves. And besides, I asked her to wake me up after an hour of what seemed like an eternal bliss......ah, life...
But of course, I end up waking after an hour and a half. Minutes after waking up, I still feel the bliss my body experienced. I haven't felt like that for quite a long time.
Maybe I should do that more often. Now, which one was it? Sleeping? Waking up? or baking?

Nah, I must be dreaming.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Phony Phonecards

These phonecards which you think are actually saving you money in calling overseas is a hoax! You better believe it.
Since I got here, I have tried using different ones, in the hope of finding the "perfect" one, or even the one that tells the truth about time! Yes! I am mad! Somebody has to start revolting against these phonies! We are not stupid! We can tell time!
Okay, hold your horses...eeeeeeeeeyah!
Most of these phonies would tell you how many more minutes you have as soon as you dialed the number you are calling - say, "you have 42 minutes for this call". For first time users, they would actually believe that you have 42 minutes to gab and then...tick tock tick tock...after a good 20 minutes, one biatch would butt in and say, "you have..(hold your breath) 30 seconds remaining" WHAAAAT???? what kind of timer are they using??? You gotta be kidding me!

And so, you start panicking!!!...all the more speaking jibberish over the phone, with the worst reception ever! And worst, you end up dropping that damn phone! Ha! your worst nightmare has arrived! click. "goodbye" WAIIIIIIIIT!
The biatch says goodbye before you and the person on the other side can start with the "g". I swear, if I get to see that biatch I'm gonna give her a goodone. Biatch!
But of course, we live in a capitalist world. You go to the store and there they are - the depanneur's wall plastered with these colorful phonies, mesmerizing you, calling you...And then you tell yourself, "hmm..i should try the yellow color today...maybe it has a good reception" And voila! After profusely dialing and dialing, trying to connect, you start losing your time. You just lost your $5 to some biatch telling you lies. Lies about time, and mocks you by saying goodbye before you do. Might as well have a recording saying, "you have 42 minutes for this call - NOT! HAHAHAHAHA". Then I could have more respect on that one.
What can we do, we are just mere slaves in this society that mocks us left and right, thinking it's ok to tell us 42 minutes when we will actually get 20 or even less. And if you use your regular landline, heck, it's not just gonna be $5 down the drain, but you will be in it too.
Can't win.
I should just go online.

Monday, April 7, 2008

That achy feeling

This post is about somebody I ache to see. Hmm...present tense, ache, aching, and will be aching to see until I see this person in person. Oh my! I think I have arthritis bad! All achy! Frankly, right now, as I am typing I am beginning to doubt if that is the right spelling of that word. Could somebody tell me! Please!
Okay, okay, I'm okay now. This somebody entered (or re-entered) my dormant-like-mount-royal-life and shaken my quiet and peaceful existence. Ha! This sounds unreal now. But it is real. This somebody is real.
That is why I ache to see this person again. After all these years.
There I go again. Achy. I should just use longing, so I won't have doubts in spelling. Agreed? Agree.
I have never felt so alive in a while. Not that I was dead or in cryo. But you get my drift. And I cannot imagine this somebody, this friend can make me feel this way. Can make me type words that is redundant and yet feels right to type away.
Sometimes I try to think of why I am feeling this way. Achy. Longy - nah, this is not right word. I have other "somebodies" in my life who have always been around. But I guess, when a certain somebody enters or in this case "re-enters" your life, it's a whole new thing. It's a great feeling. And I love it. I hope it's for real. I wish it won't end - the excitement that flows within me when I know this somebody feels the same way as I do. It's a bit odd, but good odd. Never absurd.
Life, I think has a way of presenting people that is good for us. And always at the right time. People who will help us be better than what we think we are. Ones who will push us but not overwhelm. Those that will inspire us to seek the goodness around us and appreciate it even more. People in our lives that are "feel-good" people. You feel good knowing they are there for you and you for them.
And this is the kind of person this somebody is. I have told this somebody over and over how much I appreciate the love and concern we both have for each other. It always feels good to know somebody thinks of you not just while you think of them, but even when you have so many things to think about. See, the redundancy I am talking about?
I know this person is for keeps. This time, there's no letting go. No more drifting away.
And that is a promise I am willing to commit.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Day Brother!

It's my favorite brother's 37th birthday on the 10th. Just making sure I remember.. Yes, he is my favorite brother and my only brother..thank God! Imagine if there were more of them? What would this world be??? (suppose he doesn't read my blog, does he?)

He knows if I got more pictures here with me (6,000miles away), I would put it. Just to annoy him. Ha!
Life's good, kuya! Cheers!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

You love Chinese food

I got a surprise today from one of my favorite kiddies at the daycare. Lucas gave me a fortune cookie! It was no surprise for his parents I guess for their little boy to be fond of me - mind you, because of his allergies, he can't eat any food at the daycare, has never eaten any of my cooking - wait, ah, he ate some soup one time 'cause daddy forgot to make his lunch and he was running late for work. Anywho, mommy would usually tell me what new antics he's up to and how he would say my name out loud on their way to the daycare. Mommy told me jokingly that she was jealous! Haha. That was when he was three. He's four now.
So, on with the cookie, I didn't open it right away since I was "extremely" busy prepping the lunch for the little monsters. But I got curious. I thought, "hmm...what else could possibly make it more interesting.." So, with my low EQ (emotional quotient people! - sheesh!), I opened it and started munching on the cookie, and pulled out the paper - and it read "You love chinese food". Just that.
I love chinese food. Could there be some Dalai Lama -profound meaning to that? I wonder. So, I continued on puttering in the kitchen while thinking of what deeper meaning that it could possibly say. I began extracting each word. It says YOU, means...ME. can also mean "you people of the world" or maybe "you, yes you, dumb twit" or perhaps, just me - the simple one, or the chosen one. Hmmm..and then comes the next word LOVE. Ah, the word that sailed a thousand ships. The word that killed millions if not billions of people all over. I thought, finally, a word with deep seated meaning. Love, as the online dictionary says, is synonymous to affection, attachment, devotedness, devotion, fondness, and passion. I liked that last one, passion. So, the chosen one has passion. Ha!
Third word, CHINESE. Hmm..nothing much to it really, like the Chinese people populates like three quarters of the entire world. But hey, what about their characteristics? Chinese people is also known to see opportunity over crisis. They are resilient people (like Filipinos too you know). So, to attach the first two words... the chosen one has passion and is able to see opportunity in every challenged faced. Sounds absurd, but what the heck.
Last word, FOOD. What deep meaning can food have? I dug into what limited vocabulary I have, and thought of food as something that fuels your body. Food is fuel. Food is energy. you can see here, I did a lot of thinking, made my head ache bad. No worries, motrin is just in the drawer.
Now, let's see what we got here. You translates to the chosen one. And love into passion. Chinese into seeing opportunity in every crisis. Food translates to energy.
So therefore, the small piece of paper I got from that fortune cookie that read: YOU LOVE CHINESE FOOD = The chosen one has passion in seeing opportunity in every crisis energetically?
I think I'll just go with the original one. You love chinese food. And yes, I love chinese food.