Monday, August 16, 2010

Ponder Yonder

It's been awhile my furry friends. I know, I know, I have been the "baddest", "worstest" , the "procrastinatest" blogger that ever existed. So bite me. Ha! Or like what Bart would say, 'Eat my shorts!'...

BUTTTT...c'mon now, we all have personal lives, eh? And mine just happened to have taken some major changes. Had to have a turnabout so to speak.

So, pardon me my furry friends, if I had to take care of some reality tasks I needed to do - Like: moving continents! It's not just moving apartments this time, not just moving down the street. Or even just moving cities. Yep, there was a lot of moving around... and I mean really around! Sheesh! Stop the running around will ya?! I am not! Ok! I am making conversations again!!...

Let me just share with you at this time about my so-called airport experience in one of the major North American cities - it was my first time to be in that airport. And hopefully, for the life of me, if I needed to pass by thru that airport again, heaven forbid, that I survive the whole experience again or maybe I should just wear an armored suit for extra protection.

That airport was packed. By people. By food kiosks. And I mean, each corner you turn, there's a food kiosk!.. Are Americans hungry all the time that they need to be fed all the time? I wondered. Actually I still wonder.

If you are transiting thru that airport (name withheld for obvious reasons), and if you need to pass by from one end to the other...most likely by the time you reach the other terminal you were supposed to be - you'd be smelling like a donut or a bbq rib or a roasted chicken or better (or worst) yet - all three!... And most likely you've gained like 10 pounds by the time you get to your destination.

So here's the thing, that airport, with all the food kiosks all over, you'd think that most likely, the planes wouldn't be offering any more snacks to passengers, but hell no! The passengers needed to be fed! Again!.. You'd think that the passengers will just say 'no thanks' to peanuts, cola, juice, candies... - Wrong!...they were hungry as soon as the seatbelt lights were turned off. Tsk. Tsk.

What is happening to the world? Uhm, I don't think anybody can answer that. I try not to wonder anymore. Makes you think what ever happened to wonderwoman, eh? Ha! there my mind is starting to wonder...

So, in the meantime my furry friends. Continue whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. And procrastinate in visiting this blog. Not much in move along...go about your I go about mine.

And then maybe, next time, our paths will cross again. *wink*

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