Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First day, not today but tomorrow

Something's bugging me lately. If you ask me if I am excited for tomorrow's first day - well, yes. But at the same time I have an anxiety slowly developing as the clock starts ticking. I am anxious about riding the bus and the metro - again.
It's been awhile since I last rode the metro and bus around here. Sure, Sue can take me to school then pick me up. But with the price of gas and time constraints, it is much more logical to take the bus and metro. Hey, the bus stop is just across the street from our building and when I take the metro it's just gonna be a few minutes travel time (roughly about 30 - 40 minutes, I am there at the school) - granting instead of taking the whole orange line, I cut across the blue line and reach my stop faster with just 12 stations instead of going the whole 21. See here.
So you might be wondering, what the hell am I getting anxious for if I know where to go and which station to take? Well, you see, I am very good in getting myself confused and lost. Yay! So I breathe in and breathe out.Hummmmmmmmm...
My friend says, I will be alright. Let's just hope so.
The message from the machine said the class starts at 5 and ends at 10. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you'll be fine. I found the Montreal subway system to be very clean, efficient, safe and inexpensive. Did you know we pay $2.75/ride here in Toronto? A monthly pass is about $110. If I remember, your monthly passes are about half that, and your subway covers most of the city. It's faster and almost cheaper to drive in Toronto than take transit.


Catherine said...

5pm to 10pm? wow! that's late! It's been awhile since the last time i took a bus and I should start taking a bus with the price of gas here in CA ($4.26/gallon) but that's just not possible if you have to drop off your daughter to school and pick her up at a certain time.

Wishing you luck! miss you =)