Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final episode of the year - so it seems

I am having this feeling that I have to at least write something before the year ends and I have totally forgotten to even visit my OWN blogsite. Pathetic, you say? Yes. Yes. I agree with you my furry friends. You might have thought that I have abandoned posting what has been going on with my quaint life (or the lack of it).

For one, I am trying to make changes in my life. Radical changes if you are like me who has spent a great number of years chasing that kind of love everybody craves for. Forgetting that quality of life and the kind of person has a lot to do with how the chase would turn out.

Fast forward, my life right now? Is anything and everything BUT void of love. I wish I could say that "I am a new man". But I can't. For one, I am not a man. Second, I am still with my old self, only happier and more hopeful of what each morning brings. You should try it sometime, my furry friends, that is, if you haven't found that right person you are willing to live with for the rest of your existence. It's invigorating and intoxicating - hence, it's called partnership - for life.

It's true that you can always wait and wait until the bucket drops on you and poof! you're gone. Now that is sad. Thing is, you can always wait - but make sure you look around for possibilities. You may not notice that what you have been looking for was always there in front of you or even beside you. As what I have penned in front of this site, it is never too late to shine or achieve farther than where you are... that rings true too when it comes to finding that right fit for your other glove.

But I am not drawing a picture-perfect life here. I am just encouraging you, my furry friends, life need not be spent alone or by your lonesome. Life is happier spent with the one you adore, with the one you first smile at the minute you wake up in the morning, the one you look forward to seeing at the end of the day, and the one who loves you for all that you are regardless of your shortcomings and goings.

It can be pretty scary some days knowing that not all relationships are guaranteed to last. But come to think of it, all relationships can have a lifetime warranty in case it needs to get fixed. I say I am signing up for the latter then. At least I know that the cause will just be human error.

So, my furry friends, one thing I learned, Life is not just for the living..but for the loving and the lov-ed.

As the song says, "if you are the reason for all that I have been through, then I am thankful for the day before you.."