Sunday, August 16, 2009

Apathy may be the answer

Today, I am going to try to give the best advice (so far) I can give my person. (Hey, you should see the sign up @ the airport "...your person may be searched")

Here's the thing: I am developing some kind of disgust at some people I met recently. And I hate feeling that way. It's a major "stressor" for me. And I suppose for a lot of you out there and beyond. There's nothing more stressful than being around people who are born to stress others. It is just who they are. Aliens of another world. They like to see people suffer the same fate as they are in. Bozos. Losers.

Okay, so far it is working now, I don't need to give this advice to my "person" but I should type it anyway...

Point of the matter is: YOU (yes, you my person), is not in their level. You are far better than who and where they are. They are jealous of what you can become after you are done being around them.

It is not fair to cradle the thoughts of a loser especially when you know yourself, you are not born to be one.

So what if they wanted to stress you out by being mean. YOU know who you are and UNFORTUNATELY for them, they don't. Because if they did, maybe you could have shared your blessings with them - and perhaps, eventually change their alien form - NOT!

I call them aliens from another world because if they were aliens from this world then maybe there's a chance to be human.

There's about 54 hours left you need to spend with them, they don't need to be a part of your life. But think of it as a reminder that these types of aliens exist and YOU should know that your best bet is not to be affected by them - they are not worth it!

There, I hope my person is comprehending this and will remember this word - "apathy". It's a good defense for aliens of another world.

Good Luck!