Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some Updates

I know, I know, before you start shaking your head in disbelief - yes! this is a new post! And it's a new season!
Okay, so for some updates (before my blogsite becomes obsolete, and writing blogs becomes the thing of the past).
First, today, Sunday, the 19th is my birthday. Woohooo! party time! Except there's no party. Instead, I am doing some laundry. I intend to do some meringue in a bit. And I plan to just watch tv all day.I am getting old. So, I should be practising what old folks do. Ha!
My days have been very hectic - with work and school. And recently, Sue finally had her operation. So my schedule has been crazier than usual. To give you a rundown :
6:30 - start waking up, eat breakfast, check emails.
7:15- leave the house, walk to work (approx. 11-12 mins)
7:30 - 2 - work, work, work
2:15 - arrive home, eat lunch take forty winks
3:00 - take a shower, prepare for school
3:35 - get out of house, catch the 3:41 bus
4:30 - arrive school, change uniform
5-10 - class - try to stay awake
10:01 - change uniform - really fast to catch 10:06 bus then run and catch train @ metro
10:54 - start walking, missed the 10:53 bus. 10-11 mins walk to home.
11:03 - eat very late dinner. do some homework, check emails.
12:00 - sleep....and sleep...
This schedule goes during weekdays. On weekends is another story. I have to cook my lunches ahead so I don't get so stressed in cooking at home in-between. Weekends I have to do laundry, clean the house. Do some homework. Practice some techniques I learned during the week.
And now, since Sue needs some assistance in getting around our small apartment, I need to revise my schedule a bit. Instead of taking my forty winks, I help her take her in taking a shower, or massage her foot.
Speaking about the operation. The revision hip surgery itself went well. BUT there's a complication that came with it. She ended up having a footdrop or Dropfoot. Which is causing her so much pain in walking and even while laying in bed. I can only imagine the pain she's going thru right now. So the least I can do is to help her make some chores easier.
If you ask me, school is fine. Our class is really a mixed bag of potatoes. Some nights you wonder if you are in high school or adult ed. It can be ridiculous. Our teacher chef is good. As a person and as a chef. During our first day of class, he told us that there are no losers in his class. (Which gave most of us a relief). But as the days go by, you know that there are self-proclaimed idiots in class - who I think are trying to relive their high school days. Maybe if my schedule permits, I will share more about what goes on in class.
Okay, in the meantime, my laundry needs some attending. Ciao for now my furry friends. Don't forget my blog....even if it doesn't make any sense sometimes. Keep warm...winter is just around!